Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Huntress Log: Moondate 9/2/2014

Okay... I'm still jobless. Disappointing. But not conquering...   I had a really great "working interview" with a dental office last week with MUCH positive feedback. Everyone was very kind and the work day went by in a flash. They paid me $125 for my time. Which was also nice.

Game: Apple Juice or Urine? Don't let the apple fool you. 
I am also going to go pee in a cup for a car dealership tomorrow morning. Hurrah! Pee! It is a tiny job offer where I'd only have to go in on Saturday and Sunday. It sounds low key, low responsibility. Which would be kind of nice since I have had enough of that for the last 2 years. I'm ready for a smaller bite of the life sandwich.

I keep sending emails and going on interviews and getting responses. There have been a couple instances of knowing the job would be mine if I took it. But unlike New York, I'm not going to take the first one that offers. I am going to look at the work to pay ratio and the atmosphere... and see if I can actually stay happy in a place for a good year or two (at the least) and not get all antsy pantsy. 

Mister and I went berry picking on Friday. During which I promptly twisted my ankle in a gopher hole. It took all of 10 minutes and then rest of the pick I was gimping around with my bucket. We still managed to get a hefty amount of berries... and pears and tomatoes and honey. They had a nice little farm stand as well - for all your produce needs. We've been living in a very delicious house for the past few days. We are going back for more berries on Friday, hopefully, so we can "freeze them for the winter." (Awww... my city boy is talking like a farmer!) 

We have also been working on a bedframe. Okay... I sanded a bit one day and he has taken it over from there. Soon we will have our SECOND piece of furniture - first being a slipper accent chair. 

I am hereby swearing that if/when I get this dental office job... We are going to a thrift store and buying three things... 

1) a book shelf. 
2) a table. 
3) a bicycle for this lady. 

My kingdom for some furniture!!! 

Thems the haps. 
Nanette N. 

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