Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Times, they are a changin': job, health, location and a lipid panel.

So much has been going on these past few weeks. I'm really not able to talk about a lot of it in an online forum. But the next twelve months will be full of changes with my job, health, location and basically everything.

First, the job... we are working with a consultant to help save the business. I'm being kept as the office manager, but the title is the only thing staying the same. If we succeed in saving the business, I will need to adapt to all of the new systems, hours and quit my freelance work (conflict of interest). If the business fails, which is all dependent on the doctor's willingness to accept change and listen - characteristics in which he is incredibly weak... if the business fails, I may need to seek employment elsewhere.

Second, the health... I'm finally insured and am seeking the way to make lapband happen. Turns out I need year's worth of medical documentation at weight loss attempts, a letter of recommendation from my primary care physician and to be able to pay my deductible up front (roughly $4000). So there was a night of tears, realizing it wasn't going to be as easy or seamless as I thought. Okay... so that means I'm getting my ducks in a row and preparing that paperwork. I have picked a primary care physician that I'm visiting tomorrow. The mister may also be able to connect me with a dietician in his family and maybe I can save my $30 copay.

Third, the location... There are whispers on the winds about relocation. Again, a hefty consideration with all the change at work. I'm hesitant to commit and say that it is happening because life is incredibly variable right now. Meanwhile the freelance work, which I can do from anywhere... that they want me to quit if I take doc's new hours... Is the only sort of financial security that I would have if I relocated.

That's what's been happening lately. There have been lovely things in between... snow, tea, salads, chinatown, company christmas dinner...   But figuring out those three items has been weighing on my thoughts for now.

The Wisdom House company dinner - a night of peruvian cuisine at the Natural Gourmet Institute. 

Today I went to the MIC Women's Health Clinic to renew my birth control. Because I now have active insurance (as of Dec 1) and am no longer a NY state benefit recipient... they were going to charge me $250 for the visit as opposed to the $30 copay that I was expecting. Only slightly disappointed, because I'm going to the Primary Care Physician tomorrow and I'm sure I can get it there too... But what I did get were my medical records. And can I just say... my lipid panel was awesome.

Cholesterol: 153 -       ref: 120 -200
HDL: 48        ref: >40.
LDL: 90        ref: 100 - 130. LOW
Chol/HDL ratio: 3.19 (less than 1/2 the average risk).
Triglycerides: 77       ref: 30 -175

So here's to knowing that whatever all these life changes bring, I won't be having a heart attack over them. Woohoo for clean arteries!
My street this morning... just a little snow to remind us it's December.

Our dapper kitty keeping me company. 
Snow on Bowery St. - My first trip to ChinaTown. The Dumplings are great! 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

NYC Winter Wonderland...

NYC in winter...  is only about 30% of what it is in the movies. It's beautiful, no doubt. The decorations and lights are intricate and lovely. The window fronts are festive. And the big, wet snowflakes are delightful.

But let's talk for 2 seconds about what you don't get in the movies. The smell. Wool coats, fleece accessories, jeans, shoes, socks, unwashed hair and bodies... plus wetness. I've heard people complain about the subway in the summer... but it's NOTHING compared to the damp smells in the winter. The homeless have fewer outdoor options and it drives them into the subway.

You know that if you see a half empty subway car in rush hour, it's not your lucky day. It's probably a smell. And I don't mean the discomfort of a stale fart or someone who is steeped in 25 years of 2-packs a day secondhand smoke. I mean... you get in and immediately your eyes water. Smells you have never smelled before - Every type of rare body cheese and fungi, wet socks, feet, hair & the wafting of concentrated trash, urine and feces. And you will see the unfortunate, probably mentally unstable, homeless person sorting their newspapers or sprawled across a bench getting a nice $2.50 nap.

My "Oh GROSS!" reaction can last up to half the train ride before I remember that there's a person in there that lives with that 24 hours a day and really, finding a place to stay warm, something to eat, a little change to get into the subway is of absolute importance. That person still has feelings and no body enjoys being the smelly kid.

In all frankness, the subway is the culmination of all things gross here. Above ground it's street sludge, construction drips and puddles.

But the snow, while it's falling, is absolutely magical and lovely. Today the snow is falling...   And it is glorious.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A Theory, A Judgement, A Couple Pictures and A Closing Number

A Theory

When I first got here, someone told me that every time you leave the house, plan on spending $20. I laughed. Yeah. Right. I was living off of my $1500 in savings trying to make it last 3 months (rent already paid).

But now, I get it. Today for example. I went to work and had coffee with Katya then went home. It should have been a $5.00 day.

Grocery store $17.58 (chocolate, tea and tomatoes).
Starbucks $12.00 (peppermint mocha mix and a peppermint hot cocoa).
Total: $29.58.

Tomorrow is another day... More importantly, payday. I'd say I can go without buying anything, but I've gotta pick up a few things here and there...

Milk $3.00
Laundry $10.00
Metro Card $5.00
Total: $18.00

Again... basically $20 for leaving the house.

A Judgement

Instead of going to Goodwill or Deseret Industries, you can just leave stuff on the sidewalk and people will take what they want. Tuesday, I loaded up a box with some old lotions, make up items, A gym bag, jump rope and 5 books. I dropped the box off in front of our house and went off to the gym. I worked out. About an hour later... I get home absolutely every item EXCEPT for the books had been taken. And the books were good - Neil Gaiman, The Help, The girl who played with fire, etc.

For this... I judge you, neighborhood, I judge you.

Can you guess who this celebrity is? Really... Guess in the comments. Tracy should know how good she is. 

This is how the fancy cat sleeps.