Friday, November 26, 2010


I keep having this discussion. I dare say it's become a universal theme. "If you don't believe in a specific religion, nanette... what do you believe in?"

I believe in honesty. I believe in being the kind of person you want to be around. I believe in not contributing to world suck. I believe in being respectful of other's boundaries, decisions and ideas, even if I don't agree with them. 

honest |ˈänist|adjectivefree of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere I haven't been totally honest with you.• morally correct or virtuous I did the only right and honest thing.• [ attrib. fairly earned, esp. through hard work struggling to make an honest living.• (of an action) blameless or well intentioned even if unsuccessful or misguided he'd made an honest mistake.• [ attrib. simple, unpretentious, and unsophisticated good honest food with no gimmicks.
I'm quite liberal in the idea of what is right and wrong. I have my own opinions about things. I understand that not everyone has the same view. I express myself and can be at peace even if no one else agrees with me. I can listen to others and weigh what they say and make my own decisions. I like having the security of having weighed each of these values to my own liking and finding security in my own moral code. 
I find that most religions don't disagree. "Love thy neighbor as thyself," and "Reap what you sew," in Christianity. Karma, the law of causation, in Buddhism. "The Oneness of Humanity," says Islam. Even science says "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." 
What we do. How we handle conflict. How we treat one another. OUR CHOICES AND ACTIONS AFFECT OTHER PEOPLE. We each have the opportunity to make that positive or negative. However, it's very difficult to always see into the future HOW these decisions will come to fruition. So instead of predict...   (predetermination forces people unfairly into boxes) one can only make decisions with clear intent. Look inward. What is the motivating emotion or feeling? I try to make my decisions based on positive (purely subjective to each person's beliefs) motivations... I like to believe that's what we all do. 
I like to believe that people do not maliciously meddle or try to cause problems intentionally. I like to think that when I've been offended, that was not the intent of the offender, for how often, REALLY, do we make decisions with the intent to hurt another person. I try to extend empathy, or sympathy, to those that I've had conflict with, only to hope that I'm offered that in return. Mother's wisdom, "you'll always hate what you don't understand." 
I might not subscribe to a specific religious set of beliefs. But in my definition of good and bad people...   is that a good person does not aim to be venomous... and does not aim to belittle another ... or tear someone down for the sake of vindication. A good person lives life in a way that is beneficial for themselves and tries to minimize their negative output into the world. 
So let's all try to get along. Play nice. Be honest. Be Empathetic. Maybe be a little more open-minded. And accept the consequences of our actions with humility enough to admit when we were wrong, and have courage enough to stand up for our opinions and bravery enough to apologize when it's needed. 
Utmost sincerity,Nanette

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Life in many parts...

Part one. Dad.

I love my dad. Really do. Which is why I was absolutely furious to hear that after he broke his foot, he wasn't following doctors orders, he was putting weight on the damaged appendage... and why I was absolutely furious to hear that his diabetes is so out of control (checked into the E.R. with a blood sugar count of 400). Okay... I'm not really mad. I'm something. But I don't know what it is yet. I'm concerned. I'm expecting some radical changes soon. He could be losing a foot... amputation. But this is all potential. Teetering on the brink of a family disaster.

Part two. Apathy Monster.

The Apathy Monster hides in the corners of your life... and when things are going downhill (lawyer guy, dad, social life, grades, etc) and you really need to get your priorities straight THAT is when the Apathy Monster pounces. Kicked while you're down. Hopeless to fight. And once the Apathy Monster has you, it devours you. At that point... no matter how much kicking and screaming and ranting and raving and punching and protesting you do, it's all fruitless.

I'm in the belly of the beast. Homework is piling up. Music to learn. Papers to write. Stuff to analyze. Favors to complete. I haven't been here for a couple years. I hope that this Apathy Monster has been eating it's fiber and I will exit naturally and quickly.

It was purely luck that dear friend, Z, saw me get eaten by the monster. He's been whispering encouragement from the outside.

Part three. Creativity.

The Art in me has died... well maybe it's just in critical condition, a coma? Partially due to Part Two, however, could entirely be rut-ville. Trying to get out of rut-ville. Trying to step away from the formulas. Trying to step away from what I know. Trying to not try? It's not really working. But I'm quite sure it's almost time for Thanksgiving Break. It might not happen soon enough to save The Art. Hang in there. I hope it's a coma... and when it comes to, it will see that I waited for it this entire time.

Renana Kishon (L) poses next to an art installation depicting former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon lying comatose in a hospital bed before it's official opening at her gallery in Tel Aviv October 18, 2010.

Part four. Editing.

Life is too short to be constantly editing. I'm guilty of this even here. Where no one is reading. Constantly riddled by the most clever way to be vague, instead of saying exactly what I mean. Shall practice that, must unlearn this bad habit.

Done for now, Loves,

Monday, November 1, 2010

New year, new list.

Year 24 is starting. I find it a bit more appropriate to make my new year list on my birthday... because technically, that's when it all started.

I oath to...

  • Graduate. 
  • Do a Met Audition. 
  • Read a book a month. 
  • Finish paying off my credit cards. 
  • Be more fiscally responsible. 
  • Create a nest egg.
  • Complete a journal.
  • Not feel lardy... okay... that will take more than a year. But hopefully be a smaller person. 
  • De-crap my life.Need less stuff.
  • Volunteer for a good cause. 
  • Do something expressive (aside from music) every week. 
  • Write more "thank you" cards.
  • Write Tracy letters. 
  • Make more YouTube videos.
  • Have more patience.
  • Date someone new... that's not emotionally stunted. 
New Things to Try.
  • a new art form or method of self expression. 
  • learn a new recipe.
  • non-fiction. 
  • throwing a drink in someone's face. 
  • doing a spit take. 
  • Performance art.
  • Visit somewhere that English is not the primary language. 
  • Explore a new city by myself. 
  • Fly somewhere. 

A new year dedicated to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.