Saturday, November 9, 2013

Weekend Ambition

I have woken up with some tenacious weekend ambition. To be honest, I went to bed with it too... around 2am. You know the feeling I'm talking about... those zealous moments at night when you decide that you can create an entire workout routine and strict diet and you know you will follow it. Then you fall asleep and in the morning that zeal has somehow disappeared as you pour a bowl of fruity pebbles and settle in for a day of surfing the net and watching cartoons/walking dead/netflix.

Since I still woke up with it, here's my list.

Things to accomplish...

Make baggie inserts for WHNY.
Prep a WHNY mailing for their acupuncture event.
Insert tax codes into prostores.
Fix that money issue at the gym.
Work out at the gym.
Make a week plan for working out at the gym.
Clean my room.
Do my dishes.
Go to dinner with Timtam or Mister.
Go to the strand and maybe buy a good book, probably something about the history of NYC.
Locate and buy gold glitter eyeliner by nyx.

Updates and hopefully photos later...

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