Friday, November 29, 2013

An Independent Thanksgiving

Okay, so it is the 2nd year that I've done Thanksgiving on my own. We're heading into the holiday season and I'll probably be doing most of them by myself. My roommates travel and the mister isn't in town for the holidays.

Last year it was a little emotional and overwhelming... This year not so much.

What do you do for Thanksgiving on your own?

- You make a Thanksgiving smoothie (no turkey involved, just fruit).
- You scrub the Thanksgiving tub and do the Thanksgiving dishes (and because you're at home by yourself, you know they stay done).
- You take a Thanksgiving personal spa day - exfoliate, pluck, shave, deep condition and spend 2 hours in a hot bath.
- You pick a TV show (Ugly Betty this time around) and marathon during all of your activities.
- You make some Thanksgiving wraps...
- Then you feel a little left out of the pie-a-thon.
- You go to the corner store and buy a cake mix and some frosting.
- You bake a Thanksgiving cake... and continue to watch Ugly Betty.
- And then you wind up the night with all the skin care you normally neglect... and flossing.

I'm really grateful that I stuck it out here in NYC. I've got a beautiful house, lovely roommates, good friends, a great boyfriend and a loving family. And for Black Friday, I'm staying home, doing some laundry and avoiding all crowds... and eating some Thanksgiving cake.

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