Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Happy New Year, 26!

Well...   Birthday came and went. I got a hurricane for my birthday. Subsequently, I also got a week off from the doc because that dangling crane thing happens to be outside of my office.

There have been so many terrible stories. A mother having her children swept away from her by a storm surge. Houses ruined. People killed by falling branches and uprooted trees. Food shortages. Power outages. Gas shortages.

I've survived Hurricane Sandy. I more than survived it... I had power, internet, heat and plenty of food. I got to take some time off from work. I got some quiet time. Went on a few runs. Got sick of being in the house. The only thing that was cumbersome was the subway system being slow or out of service. But MTA has done such a great job of getting things up and running. I can't complain too much. It also forced me to figure out different ways to get places. So if anything, I know my way around better now because of it. I'm more adventurous!


It's time to prep for year 26. My new year list.

1. Read 26 books. llll
2. Save $2400
3. Get down to 250lbs.
4. Learn some Spanish and French
5. Buy a keyboard for my house and get back to singing.
6. Write a 5 minute stand up bit and go do it!
7. Run 100 times
8. Write a thankful thing every week when I journal.
9. Go swimming.
10. Get in the ocean.
11. Get a pedicure.
12. Pay off Discover.
13. Pay off Tamara.  11/27/12
14. Pay off Sarah.
15. Put a dent in student loans.
16. Keep searching for a career path.
17. Buy the Tim Minchin Album.
18. Practice being more fancy.
19. Stretch every day.
20. Wear out 5 pairs of shoes. IIII
21. Drink more water.
22. Travel home to Idaho.
23. Furnish my apartment.
24. Have one Fancy outfit.
25. Eat more like a diabete.
26. Go to 15 places recommended in the 100 best places in NYC and blog/facebook/take photos.
27. Rebuild my art supplies.
28. Get back to art journaling.

This is the year of REDUCING DEBT. Body debt, fun debt, consumer debt. As my friend, Sarah, and I tease... I'm working on becoming a real person.

A real person is responsible and thoughtful. A real person remembers to pack q-tips, pays all the bills and flies less by the seat of the pants - more by the freedom that comes with keeping up with life.



  1. Ah, #8 is a delicious choice. And I think I want to do #18 with you! And yea for 27 and 28. Is there such a thing as a Skyped art session between Idaho and NY?!?

  2. There sure could be!!! I'd love to have a joint art session! Look me up: nanutter. :)

  3. You inspire me! I've been going through some similar experiences having made a big move in June. So much adjusting going on here!! ;) I love your list. Think I will use your idea and do one of my own!
