- Stay in my pajamas as long as possible.
- Take a really long meandering walk to the library and pick up the two books I have on hold
- Random Family; Love, Drugs, Trouble and Growing Up In The Bronx. - Leblanc
- Fangirl - Rowell
- Read at least one of those books in its' entirety.
Yesterday was my first day in the new position. I couldn't be more excited. It seems like I can step in a really make a difference. Plus the staff in the office upstairs is SO FRIENDLY.
It seems like we'll all make a good team. A-type personalities that take a lot of pride in their work at each different desk. We each are in charge of different aspects of the Everyone is quiet and helpful. It's sort of like previous positions in that I have to figure everything out. There is no comprehensive manual for the position - though I received a good bit of direction from the woman who left. But I get to play Nancy Drew and piece the warranty billing process together. Another fun puzzle! However, this time, I'm stepping into a functioning system, not into a giant mess.
My favorite part of the new job is that now I have a place to use all my colored pens. The same claim goes through about 3 processes. Assign each process a color and run!
We went out to Joe's Crab Shack for my birthday. It was lovely. Quiet. Jia took me out the night or two before and we went book shopping. Carin and I went out to the lounge down the street - best fries ever. It was a pretty good birth-week.
Still processing the fact I'm 28. Getting super close to 30... So I should probably stay at the Chevy dealership for a while and get myself on a "career track" or something, that's the responsible thing to do right? I haven't made my year 28 to-do list yet... but it is the VIP on the thought train right now.
My parents were extremely kind and sent a check for present getting. I totally loaded up on warm clothes. Sweater, Sweatpants, Hoodie... just stuff for staying warm around the house. I'm still living thrifty and we aren't using the central heating until absolutely needed.
Mister was sweet as can be and indulged my nail polish obsession - slime green, pumpkin orange and a nice satin blue. The makeup junkie in me can chill out and ride the high for now.
No sickness in our household. Mister is down 15lbs - the lucky duck. I have lost a total of 4 this month. Pathetic. The phentermine stuff is not very effective with the weight loss, but it's been incredible for my focus.
I'm trying to build up my trust in myself again and make some very easy goals that I can commit to and knock out of the ball park. Slowly, I'll get back to my old tricks. Portland, unlike NYC, gives me the perfect environment for getting back into the swing of things. I am ready to get and stay stable. Good job. Great location/house. Plenty of time for healthy recreation. Life is on track for awesomocity.
Hurrah for a new job that isn't in a mess and the Nancy Drew in you can figure it out. Hurray for multi-colored pens and nail polish. the Mister must really like you to buy more finger nail polish. Glad you finally had a day off, gland you bought some warm clothes.