Sunday, November 23, 2014

Insurance and a Weight Loss Challenge.

This Week's Read:

Brain on Fire - Susannah Cahalan Biography/memoir
New York Post writer has lost a month of her life. Literally. She can't remember a thing. Susannah contracted a quickly advancing disease that made her temporarily lose her mind. In this book she documents the research she's done to piece together her missing month of memory - schizophrenic episodes, seizures, inconclusive test after test trying to find the cause of her erratic behavior.



It's been a decent enough week. I'm getting the hang of my job a bit more. Enough that I've been spending a significant amount of time correcting my mistakes made this far. It has been a touch stressful - and I'm fighting some severe apathy. This is normal for me. Challenge - excitement - failure - apathy - quietly observing and learning without letting people see me fail or struggle to put it all together. That's my approach.

It is time for open enrollment at work for insurance benefits. I am feeling like a kid at christmas! Medical, Dental, Vision! OH MY! And much cheaper than the private market. The company is trying to push everyone towards HSAs so they don't have such a large expense. The number that HR was throwing around in the meeting was that Corporate is paying $6 million per year to insure 965 employees and their dependents. It gets worse before it gets better, right?



Mister is getting the bed put together. We are in the assembly phase. I am struck by two major things... 1) IT IS HEAVY.  2) IT IS STILL NOT DONE.

Making your own furniture - unless it is going to get dedicated 24/7 attention - will take forever and occupy half your garage and sometimes part of your kitchen (because it's less humid in there which is better for the wood).



The girls at work and I have started a bet. Whomever can lose 20lbs before 12/31 gets a visa gift card paid for by the losers. The gift card is either $30 or $1 for every pound the losers are away from their -20 goal - whichever is more. We weighed in on Wednesday last week. I've been back to tracking calories on I haven't jumped on the work out train again yet. But food is 75% of the battle.

I spent the weekend cooking again because it was really nice to not have to grocery shop and cook last week. We picked up some odds and ends and I made a couple more soups (really great for the fitness challenge) and some meatballs again. I feel confident in saying I've got 3 more recipes under my belt.



Mister's parents are coming for the Thanksgiving weekend. They're staying in a hotel downtown. I'm nervous of course, because I feel the need to impress and entertain. I kinda wish we could have put them up in the house but alas, no couches, no extra beds, no kitchen table/chairs... it's kind of limited entertaining... but the food is always good!


  1. I have been doing some reading lately. Food is more like 95% of the battle. Exercise is good for your health, but it's really lousy for creating a caloric deficit.

  2. I wish I could come for Thanksgiving! I would put up a speed and give you all the credit...

  3. I couldn't find the article I was thinking of, but I ran across some other great ones:

  4. Have you ever done a "juice fast" or "juice cleanse"? That's a great way to loose weight quickly. If you're getting down to the end and still haven't met your goal, this is the way to do it. :) Alisha
