Sunday, October 12, 2014


Alright, Day 2 of Phentermine.

Yesterday was amazing. I had a great project at work that kept me running around. i was speeding through all of it. On top of it, it made me the freaking Hulk, I was carrying 20-40lbs of files back and forth from the service department and the front desk, then processing and going back for more (6 times).

Things I noticed...
- Sweating. Head sweating. Mostly because I was running around. Partially because my body temp was up.
- I felt electric. Like buzzing. I'm sure they call this "jitters" on the side-effect list. Normally I relate side-effect with negative symptoms, but this one was great.
- Increased focus on the task at hand.
- Decreased clock watching.
- Decreased food cravings.
- After eating, I was uncomfortable. Not nauseated, but it just made me feel so uncomfortable... like I'd eaten rocks. I could feel the food just sit there.
- Elevated mood. I felt great, bring it on! I can take on the world.

It is very similar. I am more prone to taking on activities at work because I feel better, more energized. Today I moved like... 8 drawers of files to make room for the rest of the year. I've thought about doing it for the past 2 weeks but today I actually did it. I figured, I may as well. It's slow and I was pumped to make a visible difference.

I got hungry for a second around noon, but I wasn't going to eat lunch that early. So I got into the next project and completely forgot about food. I wound up having a V8 around 3:40pm. My energy is tapering off. But I can still feel the medication in effect. This is how I normally feel at the beginning of a day.

Will thinks that my reaction to this medication, which is definitely a stimulant, may point to ADD, ADHD type of disorders. I can't believe the difference in alertness and focus. But isn't that what everyone would experience? I dunno. I've considered it before, as I'm a very distracted person and have a tendency to even interrupt my own thoughts. But that could also very much be normal. I have a hard time choosing to focus on stuff. Once I'm focused, I'm fine. But getting me to start the task is the difficult part.

More soon,

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