I have the best work hours in the world. The job? meh. But the hours are wonderful.
Monday 9:30am - 7:30pm (10 hours).
Tuesday - off
Wednesday 9:30am - 2:00pm (4.5 hours).
Thursday 9:30am - 2:00pm (4.5 hours)
Friday 8:30am - 2:30pm (6 hours) + freelance meetings until 4pm.
Saturday - off
Sunday - off.
I do some at home projects that help me beef up those hours (for both the current doc and a freelance client). Stuff like sending out Mailchimp emails, updating the website, cleaning up and prepping a months worth of posts for facebook, doing some of the detail work for event planning/community outreach.
The work is good, the hours are stellar, my boss.. meh. Let's call it a "personality conflict." If it were a marriage it would be a bad one and the divorce papers would read irreconcilable differences. However, only recently have I just taken the reigns of the office. Doc is hitting a troubled spot and is finally open to change. So we're creating change and that feels SO GOOD. We are actually doing community outreach and service and that I can get behind.
But you know what? Today is my day off. So I'm not going to worry about all that mumbo jumbo.
On the docket for today...
- Gym (gotta beat Sunday's score: 500 calories in 31:30 on the elliptical).
- Go to Costco and buy a couple of things that are running low.
- Spend the afternoon with the mister, being all snuggly, cooking dinner and watching movies.
- Eat a freaking salad. (you paid too much for that mescaline at the farmer's market. DON'T YOU DARE LET IT GO BAD).
- straighten hair, put on that gold eyeliner that I tried so hard to find.
Straight Hairs!!! It is getting so long! |
PS This is a beautiful picture of you. Looks like you mastered the flat iron. So how long did it take to do your hair? I didn't know your hair was so long. I would cut it shorter if you continue this style. Then you would look like all the newscasters.