Thursday, January 5, 2012

Know what's really awesome!?

I don't have to go to school this semester.
I just need to finish my piano proficiency test.
Then I have a degree (useless? not sure yet).
I don't have to buy books, or give motivational speeches to get myself to attend.

Also, I get to keep my two campus jobs.
And Probably get a third.
I'm considered an Alumnus.
So I get to keep my gym membership at a discount rate.

My body weighs 43 pounds less than it did at this time last year.
I've learned a whole book of new recipes.
Stuff is slowly disappearing from my apartment - in a good way.
Life and Scheduling should be simple.

Dr. A's grant fell through.
He can't offer me the discount.
I don't have to take choir.
I don't have to deal with "environment vs cost, is it worth it?" anymore.

I have a back up plan for NYC.
Just in case my savings doesn't cover enough.
Time to polish up several versions of my resume.
Time to money diet, food diet and resource diet like a champ!

Big Fat Uncharacteristically Positive Love

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