Monday, January 14, 2013

Easing Into Routine

I feel like all these posts are the same. Maybe just a shared theme of "adjusting." Because Idaho to NYC is a whole lot of that. Adjustment. Like a new bra. Exciting, a little uncomfortable and then eventually becomes the comfortable support you need.

Still working lots. Negotiated a better wage at Kidville. Working a little less at the Doc's office. Getting a better balance of what I enjoy vs. Obligated to do in order to survive.

But I'm branching out. I have a couple friends that I spend evenings with on a more consistent basis. I've learned to spend money on things like... new clothes and necessities like good walking shoes, hats and scarves.

I'm doing New York-y things! Walks through Central Park, going out on the town with girlfriends, Christmas Parties, Brunch (it's a big thing here), GOING TO CARNEGIE HALL TOMORROW!!!   I'm going to hear John Green (favorite author) talk with his brother, Hank. I can't wait.

Got the student loans sorted. I can start paying them down. I'm paying everything down this year. It's my goal by October to only have student loans as my mark on the global debt. I'm getting pretty close.

Dating has been hectic. I'm seeing one guy on a pretty regular basis. I have my reservations about jumping in head first though... I'm obsessed with having a plan and things happening a certain way. I'm definitely finding a lot of opportunity to let go, exercise patience and going with the flow instead of a prescribed plan.

And freedom from laundry... Ugh! you see that in the corner? 
The grand scheme of life is still a little blurry. The music thing is kinda done... I mean, I still sing every once in a while out of sheer enjoyment, and that's refreshing. I've been doing a little art here and there. I need to get into a better habit of blogging or documenting the adventure of getting used to NYC. Alas,  I find in my life to document is to be the observer instead of the participant.

I guess right now, the plan is to make enough money to pay bills, save a little, buy some stuff. Then have enough time and means to do things I'd like to on my off time. So I can have a netflix night, or a night at carnegie hall, or a massage, or sit down with a book and just enjoy life.

I look to maintain Simplicity. Independence. Health. Freedom from Debt.

Nanette N.


  1. I'm so jealous that you get to see John Green at Carnegie Hall! Will you please blog about it? I would love to hear all about your night!

  2. Love this picture! You look happy! Is the guy the same one we met? Have a wonderful time at the Green Brothers!
