Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A Theory, A Judgement, A Couple Pictures and A Closing Number

A Theory

When I first got here, someone told me that every time you leave the house, plan on spending $20. I laughed. Yeah. Right. I was living off of my $1500 in savings trying to make it last 3 months (rent already paid).

But now, I get it. Today for example. I went to work and had coffee with Katya then went home. It should have been a $5.00 day.

Grocery store $17.58 (chocolate, tea and tomatoes).
Starbucks $12.00 (peppermint mocha mix and a peppermint hot cocoa).
Total: $29.58.

Tomorrow is another day... More importantly, payday. I'd say I can go without buying anything, but I've gotta pick up a few things here and there...

Milk $3.00
Laundry $10.00
Metro Card $5.00
Total: $18.00

Again... basically $20 for leaving the house.

A Judgement

Instead of going to Goodwill or Deseret Industries, you can just leave stuff on the sidewalk and people will take what they want. Tuesday, I loaded up a box with some old lotions, make up items, A gym bag, jump rope and 5 books. I dropped the box off in front of our house and went off to the gym. I worked out. About an hour later... I get home absolutely every item EXCEPT for the books had been taken. And the books were good - Neil Gaiman, The Help, The girl who played with fire, etc.

For this... I judge you, neighborhood, I judge you.

Can you guess who this celebrity is? Really... Guess in the comments. Tracy should know how good she is. 

This is how the fancy cat sleeps.