Tuesday, August 2, 2011

please submit all complaints in writing...

so I can make fun of you better...  

As vaguely as I can say it...

1) If you're calling me and asking me questions, because I know more about a topic than you do, don't argue with me when I give you my answer. If you don't like it... try and find your own dang solution.

2) When you passive aggressively undermine me in front of our clients, it builds doubt in our product and in me as part of your department.

3) The next time you call yourself ugly or fat or untalented or in some way less shiny than other people, I'm going to agree or completely ignore your cries for attention until you learn how to constructively ask for interaction.

4) If you don't ask for what you want, you won't get what you want. Then when you don't get exactly what you were thinking as a result and decide that NOW is the time to offer some "constructive criticism" that would be impossible to implement... I MIGHT spontaneously combust. (would it be spontaneous if triggered by a situation?)

5) Remember that if you've said it to one person... just ONE person... I'm probably going to find out. And that makes me less likely to be nice and do the favors you ask for... (aka, your job).

6) If I say "No." I mean it. Just take it at that... asking why will just make me explain "No, I don't want to." and more asking will make me say "No, I don't want to. Because I don't want to spend that time with you." Otherwise known as "Don't be a social rapist, please accept that I'm trying to politely reject your invitation."

Just sayin'

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